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My Journey Begins...

Updated: Nov 21, 2024


Literacy is the foundation of any society.  With declining literacy rates in America, everyone has an opinion.  It’s the perfect opportunity to sell instructional materials and to sell the next story to America.  There certainly isn’t a lack of opportunity, but we can’t get to the bottom of what’s causing the decline without thoroughly examining the root causes.  As we explore the many facets of literacy in America, I will provide personal experiences and research that have led me to take on the very important role as a member of the State Board of Education, with the help of my constituents.

For the past 24 years, I have devoted my life to learning best strategies in teaching kids to read.  I began teaching first grade in Kansas City, KS (also known as KCK) in 2002.  I had spent my prior year teaching English to preschoolers through adults in Taiwan.  When I moved to Kansas City, I was one of eight first grade teachers at ME Pearson Elementary school.  97% of my students were on free and reduced lunch and 93% of my students were English Language Learners.  I have so many wonderful memories of these first teaching years, but one sticks out to me as we begin this journey.

I recall looking at my literacy data in December of that first year teaching and feeling absolutely devastated with my results as a teacher.  My students were NOT learning to read and I was failing miserably as their teacher.  I met with my Instructional Coach, who I grew to dearly love during my time at ME Pearson.  I broke down in tears and informed her that I had made a horrible mistake.  I was not cut out for teaching.  I was ill-prepared and not willing to be the reason why my students were failing.  I remember my Instructional Coach giving me the autonomy to scratch what I had been told and to do what was best for my students.  Because of her, I went back to obtain a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, and I devoted my life to learning best strategies for all students.  Because of her, I was able to feel success as an educator.  Please follow along with my blog posts to learn more about my experiences with education in America.  

Following is a list of just a few of the topics to be covered in upcoming blog posts:

  • Sound Walls and Vocabulary Walls

  • Anchor Charts

  • Thematic Teaching with a Language Experience Approach and EL

  • Differentiating for Dyslexia

  • Sold a Story and What Could go Wrong with the Science of Reading

  • Research Based Strategies…What Does that Mean?

  • When to Level Books and When NOT to Level Books

  • Progressive Technology in the Classroom: Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Curriculum Makers with a Green Rating on EdReports: The Implications for Your Child

  • Nebraska ELA Standards

  • The Casel Framework and SEL

  • Is it a Teacher Shortage or a Teacher Exodus?

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